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Dell tablet won't open

in Verschiedenes 02.11.2017 09:35
von Shawnturner | 2 Beiträge | 4 Punkte

My Dell tablet has been working fine. Now, when I turn it on, it goes to the screen saver and won't do anything else. It will update, whenever there are new updates, but nothing else. Can anyone tell me what I need to do?

I didn't find the right solution from the internet.


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RE: Dell tablet won't open

in Verschiedenes 02.11.2017 17:34
von aethodry | 574 Beiträge | 593 Punkte

Oops, maybe the wrong forum?

Our topics are creations for the computer game "Sims 3" and "Sims 4". Some of the creations are in fact computers, but as in-game-object.


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